NikeTown London

Nike Running ShoeFinder - Niketown London

A short quiz designed to help runners find their perfect trainers. Questions range from the type of terrain they run on, performance goals and more. 

The Shoefinder is an online experience and a physical installation in NikeTown London. 

Client: Nike

Applied Skills: Client Relations, Research & Development, Ideation, Storyboarding, UI/UX, Graphic Design, Design QA, Asset Creation, 

Softwares Used: Figma, Illustrator, Photoshop, Procreate

The Brief: Create an experience to help runners refine the selection of running shoes that Nike has to offer.

Visuals: This short quiz was created with eye catching visuals as priority, so we designed and developed a series of dynamic 3D visuals to match each question.

Research and Moodboarding

Illustration, briefing 3D team and final outcome

Microsite and App Integration: The microsite has also been directly integrated into the Nike App and Nike Activity Finder microsite too. This offers users a seamless experience and opportunity to find their new Nike shoes.

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NikeTown London